Changelog 📜

Mitch's favourite commands 👀

Afk - Who dosen't love to go afk?
bullydel - Del deserves it, bully him for me!
userinfo (w) - Go and see statistics about yourself, including roles, permissions, join date and more!
rank - Check out statistics to do with my level system!

Recently Added: ✨

Math - A basic calculator built into discord!
rps - A fun little rock-paper-scissors game added straight into discord!
trivia - Enjoy a trivia game with hundreds of unique questions! -Good luck they are hard!-
wpm - Test your typing speed and get statistics!

Bot Ideas: 💡

I have no ideas - 😭😭😭
Expand the website - Gotta finish the dashboard and add customization.
A setup command - Right before Outer goes public make a setup command which helps people set up the basics!
Donation page to help me pay for hosting - MONEY GOOOOOOOD 😂